
It is very important that you realize that these definitions are by the standard of science alone, as we can prove it so far. There is still much we do not know and far more that we may never know. The purpose of these definitions is not to solidify your understanding but to guide your mind toward the proper questions that may lead you through personal evolution.  Once our mind is free of the 3rd dimension the absolutes are in constant fluctuation. The lines and geometries do not sit still for you. Your mind has to learn to follow them in motion, E-motion.  

Energy is Mind, Mind is Energy

Mind is All, All is Mind

The Flower of Life is the structure of the Mind and thereby the All.
     The Flower of Life  is a Hologram  produced by a Algorithmic Binary Code.    

Vibration is how All moves.
      Organized patterns of Vibration form the platonic solids. The Platonic solids  are the foundational structure of life. 

Polarization is how All Relates and thereby knows. It is in the separation of a singularity that All may know it's self.

Kabbalah is the path by which one may relate to the All. 
    Through Moderation (Golden Ratio) and the Wisdom of the characteristics of All (Yi Jing). A singularity may ionize (Ionisation) Thus freeing the self.  

We are a Fractal of the all. We need only to change our minds and learn to relate. 

When one communes from mouth to ear upon a specific question, then one may convey, telepathically, and image unto a open mind. 

We are silicate structures. Not carbon! 

Time travel is possible through Memory , Ionization , and Gravitational Singularity, through a Flower of Life  Mental structure.  


Olfaction  (Smell)


Star Tetrahedron  (Stellated Octahedron)





Star Tetrahedron  (Stellated Octahedron)


Olfaction  (Smell)


Yi Jing  (I Ching)