Tree of Life

64 Star Tetrahedron

The following is information I found in the book " Tarot of the Spirit" by Pamela Eakins, Ph.D." pg 37

Paths of the Tree of Life.

Path 1 - Kether. "The Gate of Potential." This is the beginning, the source of all existence. It correlates with the "ones" or "aces" in each of the four suits of the tarot.

Path 2 - Chokmah. " The Gate of Force" As the universal male or father principal, this is the spherre of energy and emission. It indicates direction and corresponds to the "twos" in the four suits of tarot. It also corresponds to the Fathers of each suit.

Path 3 - Binah. " The Gate of Form." Binah is the universal female or mother principle, the sphere of receptivity. It corresponds to the " threes" of each suit as well as the Mothers.

Path 4 - Chesed. " The Gate of Will." This is the sphere of building, of creating, of the process of anabolism. It corresponds to the "fours" of each suit in the tarot.

Path 5 - Geburah. " The Gate of Severity." Geburah is the sephirah of chaos and destruction. Whereas Chesed builds up, Geburah breaks down. Thus it is the sphere of catabolism. It corresponds to the "fives" of each suit in the tarot.

Path 6 - Tephareth. "The Gates of Truth." This is the sphere if Higher Consciousness or Christ Consciousness, the sphere is achieving identity with Kether, the One, the Source of all Things. It corresponds to the "sixes" of each suit as well as the Brothers.

Path 7 - Netzach. "The Gates of Vision." Netzach is the sphere of emotion, intuition and psychic abilities. It corresponds to the "sevens" in each suit of the tarot.

Path 8 - Hod.  "The Gates of the Lightning Path." This is the sphere of the intellect. In its exalted state, it is the sephirah of Divine Reason or Universal Mind. It corresponds with the "eights" in the four suits of the tarot.

Path 9 - Yesod. " The Gates of the Portal." Yesod is the sphere of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind becomes the major portal through which spiritual ascendance is achieved. It corresponds to the "nines" of each of the four suits.

Path 10 - Malkuth. "The Gate of Communion." This is the sphere of the physical world or of the body. It represents the entity where spirit is "ensouled." It corresponds to the "tens" of the four suits as well as to the Sisters.

Path 11 - The Fool.  The Key 0 of the tarot.  Corresponds to Gate One above Blind movement and all-potential.

Path 12 - The Magus. Key I of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: wielding the tools of change.

Path 13 - The High Priestess. Key II of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: Hearing the message of the inner oracle.

Path 14 - The Empress. Key III of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: opening to sensuality.  

Path 15 - The Emperor. Key IV of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: building a firm base of clear knowledge.

Path 16 - The Hierophant. Key V of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: connecting with the inner teacher.

Path 17 - The Lovers. Key VI of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Two: understanding the divine marriage.

Path 18 - The Chariot. Key VII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Two: knowing the driver.

Path 19 - Strength. Key VIII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Two: building up for spiritual ascendance.

Path 20 - The Hermit. Key IX of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Three: encountering the inner light.

Path 21 - The Wheel of Fortune. Key X of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Four: staying balanced and centered as the wheel of Destiny turns.

Path 22 - Karma. Key XI  of the tarot. corresponds to Gate Four: Owning the results of thoughts, words and deeds.

Path 23 - The Hanged Man. Key XII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Four: retreating and stilling the inner waters.

Path 24 - The Death. Key XIII. Corresponds to Gate Five: transformations during the darkest hour.

Path 25 - Temperance. Key XIV of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Five: integration through trials and temptations.

Path 26 - The Devil. Key XV of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Five: understanding through taking a new perspective.

Path 27- The Tower. Key XVI of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Five: destroying outmoded structures in order to grow.  

Path 28 - The Star. Key XVII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Six: following the inner star.

Path 29 - The Moon. Key XVIII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Six: staying on the spiritual path.

Path 30 - The Sun. Key XIX of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Six: coming to spiritual realization.

Path 31 - Resurrection. Key XX of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Seven: illumination of higher truth.

Path 32 - The Universe. Key XXI of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Eight: application of spiritual knowledge to the world of matter.

When I read this my harmonic resonance shot through the roof. I immediately recognized these steps as my path. The language was even the same as I learned to use through "spirit". This became confirmation that their was a plan and a structure to the walk.

The first section above is of the Gates or sephirah and then you have the keys to the gates. Notice there are 32 paths. This is half of 64, which corresponds to the number of faces on a 64 Star Tetrahedron: a compounded fractal of the Merkaba. To gain Wisdom of a thing we must know both Polarity of the attribute. In other words, in Key XX of Path 31, you are beginning to understand higher truth. But to be wise of truth you must also understand lies. This is also where forgiveness of unfavorable things becomes important. If you cannot forgive then you will not make it far. So, again, the 32 paths of the Kabbalaic tarot, when polarized (remember that polarization is a function of the MIND and is thereby a function of the photon, light, chemistry, and psychology. ALL), become the beams of the star tetrahedron. The Platonic Solids are only snapshots of creation while creation is in motion (geometries are not eternally fixed.) This is a philosophy, a science, and a religion.  This is also a good time to correspond the I Ching's 64 characteristics and it's binary code. Notice that when the code is placed in a circle the opposing characters are polar opposites, eg 1 is opposite 32 and they are opposing characteristics. Can you figure out how the 32 characteristics of the Kabbalah and I Ching are the same?    

Once you have cleared you way through a path you will need to keep trans-versing it. In other words, Path 31 is the 1st step to understanding truth. To become wise to it you will have to continue on through spiritual realization (Path 30), Staying on your path (Path 29), following your inner star (Path 28), Then destroying outmoded structures in order to grow (Path 27) until finally you reach Path 26, when you finally begin to take new perspective. So you have been bouncing your way up and down back and forth through the pathways grounding and stabilizing, becoming familiar with different mentalities, and suddenly it all makes sense. This is just an example of how a person may travel through, some may bounce back and forth from one to another too stubborn to let go of old structures and thereby never gain any further ground. This is the process of mental Ionization.

I believe this is important information because by understanding your obstacles you may better plan to overcome them. For those who practice alone this path is like groping through the dark.  Strength is forged and time is spent. Yet, if we view it as a system that is linear we may overcome with less shock. YOU STILL HAVE TO DO THE WORK! Maybe, though, the work can become more manageable.

So go to work backwards. Starting at 32, Work the polarity, stabilize, Ionize. Become the Lightening Path. For those who are already on the path, then going over the steps helps me practice:) Note: This is a system, you may use for reference over time. The work is to observe and then react to life.