
God in relationship to himself

Polarities occur upon creation, or as the Feminine transforms into the Masculine. From the cube emerges the undifferentiated mind of the all. Based on the necessities of the hear and now, elemental variations are assigned. From this point light/life emerges and polarities begin. The first polarity is the separation of body to spirit at which time gender is assigned this is our first stage of separation. If the body is male then the spirit is female. To eliminate separation then live by both minds, the masculine and the feminine, unity occurs. This unity will echo throughout the subsequent polarities.  

The image above is a rough copy of the pattern of the Tree of Life with the Flower of Life overlay. Notice the Tree of life has the position of the occupied Da'at. This occurs once a person  Has explored the polarities and found balance within the many characteristics or faces of "God"  See I Ching section. Once a person has balanced their polarities the Tree of Life balances and the lower half moves into the upper half. At this point you have two star tetrahedron stacked and 6 octahedron.   

It is very important to realize that at its core the the birth of light/life is undifferentiated. It is the complete ALL. The polarizations are a differentiation of the all from itself. It moves rhythmically using vibrations and the properties are always in correspondence to each other. 

Once the first polarity of gender occurs, then the next polarity, this time a set, takes place. The spirit polarizes to the feminine- destruction, and then again to the masculine- creation. The body polarizing to intellect-destruction, and emotion-creation.  These are the probabilities. For those who understand the lightening path, then imagine an ark of electricity birthing from the core/cube and finding it way through the polarities. Polarizing to the known and the unknown. The lightning is the will power and it's path is the decision of what is to be. There is also your vertical polarity that is your communion with your potential. 
You should also notice that each Flower is the conjunction of a group of spheres. Each sphere is a group of its own characteristics. You can Identify the sphere based on it's position in your Tree. This is important when you can visualize the Flower of Life as a living breathing system of Life/Light. 

The petals of the Flower are the feminine version of the octahedron. ( (The geometrical aspects of life are Masculine in that they take the fluid and unpredictable and freeze them in there perfect and balanced forms. But, we all know that life and light are ever changing. The flower of life is a photon of sparkling light/life. It is not fixed and the curves indicate that. The octahedron is the fixed shape that best indicates the fluid shape of an 8 tone octave resonance. )) When a balanced octave is achieved, the cube emits it's ark of will power. (What are the components of the octave? :) )  Creation begins. 

The Polarization of the light/ life continues beyond the center, differentiating and relating until it's frequency is low enough to image. 

This relates to the Hologram theory and an explanation of the light/life photon.