Sunday, September 25, 2011

lOl: Ezekiels' Wheel

lOl: Ezekiels' Wheel: 24 pointed star... The combination of the 3 fold Goddess. Each of 8 points or 4 polarities. 4 polarities= 1 form. The Quickening: Th...

Ezekiels' Wheel

24 pointed star... The combination of the 3 fold Goddess. Each of 8 points or 4 polarities. 4 polarities= 1 form. The Quickening: The melding of all 3 forms into a single being. Creation.... Preservation.... Destruction. To be unified to all dimensions of you.
Ezekiels' Wheel: 24 spokes, 24 dimensions, 24 persons- All "me" in variations of Creation, Preservation, Destruction. .... I am "me" in each dimension. My persona is expressed in different stages of development based on experience. The experiences change based on my original placement and how I choose to navigate the circumstances. 24/3=8. In some variations I am more creative others I am more destructive still others I'll hold the middle to preserve. This is not past life experience. This is not about time. This is knowing and unifying your dimensions. A single mind to guide them all.
The central control is a blance octave harmonic mind system.
      1) Start with the 8 components: North, South, East, West and
                                                          Earth, Air, Fire, Water.

      2) Balance and organize the 8 components upon the 3 planes.
  (Body)                                 Body, Mind, Spirit.     

      3) Then Move on to the next three planes of
  (Mind)                                  Body, Mind, Spirit.  Balance with the 8 components.

      4)  Then Move on to the next three plans of
  (Spirit)                                 Body, Mind, Spirit.   Balance with the 8 components.

        (Body) (Mind) ( Spirit) into a single octave.

                                                THIS IS YOUR POTENTIAL

 Now Balance and Harmonize your 3 persona : CREATION, PRESERVATION, DESTRUCTION
                       They each have 8 expressions = 24 Variations of the same persona 

Ezekiels Wheel: Getting started with 8

Start with 8 components of North South East West
                                             Earth Air Fire Water

1) Balance and harmonize upon the
    (Bodies)               Body Mind Spirit

    Find your core mind and visit 4/8 dimensions of yourself. SEEK UNITY OF ALL BODIES

2) Balance and harmonize upon the
    (Mind)                 Body Mind Spirit

  Harmonize the 2 core mind systems visit 4/8 dimensions of yourself. SEEK UNITY OF ALL MINDS

3) Balance and Harmonize upon the
   (Spirits)                 Body Mind Spirit

Harmonize all 3 core mind systems visit 4/8 more dimensions of yourself. SEEK UNITY OF ALL SPIRITS




This can be viewed astrologically. The 1st 8 components in variation with elements in varied expression of the three persona. Take this chart and add it to the same chart of the Mind and then to the chart of the Spirit. Then combine the three.

The image I see is of the octahedron in the center. The original 4 spokes of North, South, East, West then spokes for the faces of the octahedron Earth Air Fire Water. The octahedron is spinning and Spokes/ beams are radiating into 24 different channels. The octahedron is the simplest depiction of the origin of mind. Birth of light/ life. Each channel feeds my life upon a different dimension. Stage 1 of dimensional travel. The nest stage would be to use the mind of 24 to related at a family, community, state, country planetary, galactic level using the Flower of Life system.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Tree of Life & Flower of Life

The Tree of Life upon the Flower of Life.

The Flower is the photon, the structure of the hologram, the algorithmic binary code of  illusions. The Tree of Life is the organization of our mind. We ground below  the center to physical reality.

This is the arc. As in arc of power. Bolt of static.

One must reach their potential and return and they will find themselves in balanced harmonic resonance with self. At which point gravitational singularity may be achieved. 

In this state of being a person is singular and may effectively detach and move through the illusion. Notice the singularity is both a Cube and a Mercaba/tetrahedron.

It is important to realize the attributes of the Flower of life. The Flower is a balanced self replicating fractal, each sphere of the Flower of Life is a Flower of Life. each sphere represents a singularity. This singularity can be defined as you, as in your "SELF" and your relationship to other singularities/ people. Or the singularities can be defined as locations and it's relationship to other locations. In Other Words, Each sphere is a singularity in relationship to another singularity. The fact that it is a fractal means that it can be related by all degrees. The Beginning stage of portal/Yesod leads to the subsequent stages of Lightening Path/Hod, and Vision/ Netzach. In is out. Out is in.  

The Sephiras are the stages the mind must master in order to harmonize with self.

To travel a singularity will have to learn to resonate on a different plane. This can only be achieved with memory of that plane and resonance.

The petals of the Flower are the Vesica Piscis. The place of relationship. Each and every relationship has a resonance. Not necessarily harmonious.  The petals are the conductor of resonance. This is how vibration moves through the Flower. 

I few more significant images are below for your mental pleasure.

This is the Tree of Life overlaid the Flower of Life.  The sephirah are their to help you keep track of the positions. Also their relationships are very significant. Notice that in traditional form the Tree of Life 7,6,8, and 10. With Yesod as the center.

In this image we have the keys or metal attributes. In the center we have sun and star temperance and universe  surrounded by Death and Devil. Interpret that as you please.
The most significant aspect of this configuration is that in comparison to the flower of Life their is no fluid resonance from center to outer being. You must take the pathways around to initially reach your potential.

Once your potential is reached and you find harmony the arc occurs. Your deep grounding is no longer necessary as you are capable of grounding to your center or self. 

 When we apply the arc formation to the Flower and add the sephirah The relationships change drastically. Also fluid resonance reaches the outer being from the core. It also seems that death, and devil move aside.  Feel free to place your own sephiric Taro as they will speak to you the necessary message. 

When the Tree of Life is grounded below center it would seem to me that the power created at the core would create a beam of light or power in projection since it cannot move to the outer being. It feels like propulsion and may be the creator of time. Since it creates linear life patterns. In the Arc version the power of the core emanates outward and to the whole being. 

At the center of each petal is the birth of light/life. The petal being the relationship between two beings and resonance based upon that relationship, then when an octave is achieved an opening occurs, cube, communicating void and life forces. The geometry of the petal is the octahedron.  The petal depicts the feminine version with curvature and the octahedron depicts the masculine version with angles. An octave resonation causes expansion at the center. The graphics for this are not ready yet. will get back to you.   

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tree of Life

64 Star Tetrahedron

The following is information I found in the book " Tarot of the Spirit" by Pamela Eakins, Ph.D." pg 37

Paths of the Tree of Life.

Path 1 - Kether. "The Gate of Potential." This is the beginning, the source of all existence. It correlates with the "ones" or "aces" in each of the four suits of the tarot.

Path 2 - Chokmah. " The Gate of Force" As the universal male or father principal, this is the spherre of energy and emission. It indicates direction and corresponds to the "twos" in the four suits of tarot. It also corresponds to the Fathers of each suit.

Path 3 - Binah. " The Gate of Form." Binah is the universal female or mother principle, the sphere of receptivity. It corresponds to the " threes" of each suit as well as the Mothers.

Path 4 - Chesed. " The Gate of Will." This is the sphere of building, of creating, of the process of anabolism. It corresponds to the "fours" of each suit in the tarot.

Path 5 - Geburah. " The Gate of Severity." Geburah is the sephirah of chaos and destruction. Whereas Chesed builds up, Geburah breaks down. Thus it is the sphere of catabolism. It corresponds to the "fives" of each suit in the tarot.

Path 6 - Tephareth. "The Gates of Truth." This is the sphere if Higher Consciousness or Christ Consciousness, the sphere is achieving identity with Kether, the One, the Source of all Things. It corresponds to the "sixes" of each suit as well as the Brothers.

Path 7 - Netzach. "The Gates of Vision." Netzach is the sphere of emotion, intuition and psychic abilities. It corresponds to the "sevens" in each suit of the tarot.

Path 8 - Hod.  "The Gates of the Lightning Path." This is the sphere of the intellect. In its exalted state, it is the sephirah of Divine Reason or Universal Mind. It corresponds with the "eights" in the four suits of the tarot.

Path 9 - Yesod. " The Gates of the Portal." Yesod is the sphere of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind becomes the major portal through which spiritual ascendance is achieved. It corresponds to the "nines" of each of the four suits.

Path 10 - Malkuth. "The Gate of Communion." This is the sphere of the physical world or of the body. It represents the entity where spirit is "ensouled." It corresponds to the "tens" of the four suits as well as to the Sisters.

Path 11 - The Fool.  The Key 0 of the tarot.  Corresponds to Gate One above Blind movement and all-potential.

Path 12 - The Magus. Key I of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: wielding the tools of change.

Path 13 - The High Priestess. Key II of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: Hearing the message of the inner oracle.

Path 14 - The Empress. Key III of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: opening to sensuality.  

Path 15 - The Emperor. Key IV of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: building a firm base of clear knowledge.

Path 16 - The Hierophant. Key V of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate One: connecting with the inner teacher.

Path 17 - The Lovers. Key VI of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Two: understanding the divine marriage.

Path 18 - The Chariot. Key VII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Two: knowing the driver.

Path 19 - Strength. Key VIII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Two: building up for spiritual ascendance.

Path 20 - The Hermit. Key IX of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Three: encountering the inner light.

Path 21 - The Wheel of Fortune. Key X of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Four: staying balanced and centered as the wheel of Destiny turns.

Path 22 - Karma. Key XI  of the tarot. corresponds to Gate Four: Owning the results of thoughts, words and deeds.

Path 23 - The Hanged Man. Key XII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Four: retreating and stilling the inner waters.

Path 24 - The Death. Key XIII. Corresponds to Gate Five: transformations during the darkest hour.

Path 25 - Temperance. Key XIV of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Five: integration through trials and temptations.

Path 26 - The Devil. Key XV of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Five: understanding through taking a new perspective.

Path 27- The Tower. Key XVI of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Five: destroying outmoded structures in order to grow.  

Path 28 - The Star. Key XVII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Six: following the inner star.

Path 29 - The Moon. Key XVIII of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Six: staying on the spiritual path.

Path 30 - The Sun. Key XIX of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Six: coming to spiritual realization.

Path 31 - Resurrection. Key XX of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Seven: illumination of higher truth.

Path 32 - The Universe. Key XXI of the tarot. Corresponds to Gate Eight: application of spiritual knowledge to the world of matter.

When I read this my harmonic resonance shot through the roof. I immediately recognized these steps as my path. The language was even the same as I learned to use through "spirit". This became confirmation that their was a plan and a structure to the walk.

The first section above is of the Gates or sephirah and then you have the keys to the gates. Notice there are 32 paths. This is half of 64, which corresponds to the number of faces on a 64 Star Tetrahedron: a compounded fractal of the Merkaba. To gain Wisdom of a thing we must know both Polarity of the attribute. In other words, in Key XX of Path 31, you are beginning to understand higher truth. But to be wise of truth you must also understand lies. This is also where forgiveness of unfavorable things becomes important. If you cannot forgive then you will not make it far. So, again, the 32 paths of the Kabbalaic tarot, when polarized (remember that polarization is a function of the MIND and is thereby a function of the photon, light, chemistry, and psychology. ALL), become the beams of the star tetrahedron. The Platonic Solids are only snapshots of creation while creation is in motion (geometries are not eternally fixed.) This is a philosophy, a science, and a religion.  This is also a good time to correspond the I Ching's 64 characteristics and it's binary code. Notice that when the code is placed in a circle the opposing characters are polar opposites, eg 1 is opposite 32 and they are opposing characteristics. Can you figure out how the 32 characteristics of the Kabbalah and I Ching are the same?    

Once you have cleared you way through a path you will need to keep trans-versing it. In other words, Path 31 is the 1st step to understanding truth. To become wise to it you will have to continue on through spiritual realization (Path 30), Staying on your path (Path 29), following your inner star (Path 28), Then destroying outmoded structures in order to grow (Path 27) until finally you reach Path 26, when you finally begin to take new perspective. So you have been bouncing your way up and down back and forth through the pathways grounding and stabilizing, becoming familiar with different mentalities, and suddenly it all makes sense. This is just an example of how a person may travel through, some may bounce back and forth from one to another too stubborn to let go of old structures and thereby never gain any further ground. This is the process of mental Ionization.

I believe this is important information because by understanding your obstacles you may better plan to overcome them. For those who practice alone this path is like groping through the dark.  Strength is forged and time is spent. Yet, if we view it as a system that is linear we may overcome with less shock. YOU STILL HAVE TO DO THE WORK! Maybe, though, the work can become more manageable.

So go to work backwards. Starting at 32, Work the polarity, stabilize, Ionize. Become the Lightening Path. For those who are already on the path, then going over the steps helps me practice:) Note: This is a system, you may use for reference over time. The work is to observe and then react to life.            

Sunday, July 31, 2011


It is very important that you realize that these definitions are by the standard of science alone, as we can prove it so far. There is still much we do not know and far more that we may never know. The purpose of these definitions is not to solidify your understanding but to guide your mind toward the proper questions that may lead you through personal evolution.  Once our mind is free of the 3rd dimension the absolutes are in constant fluctuation. The lines and geometries do not sit still for you. Your mind has to learn to follow them in motion, E-motion.  

Energy is Mind, Mind is Energy

Mind is All, All is Mind

The Flower of Life is the structure of the Mind and thereby the All.
     The Flower of Life  is a Hologram  produced by a Algorithmic Binary Code.    

Vibration is how All moves.
      Organized patterns of Vibration form the platonic solids. The Platonic solids  are the foundational structure of life. 

Polarization is how All Relates and thereby knows. It is in the separation of a singularity that All may know it's self.

Kabbalah is the path by which one may relate to the All. 
    Through Moderation (Golden Ratio) and the Wisdom of the characteristics of All (Yi Jing). A singularity may ionize (Ionisation) Thus freeing the self.  

We are a Fractal of the all. We need only to change our minds and learn to relate. 

When one communes from mouth to ear upon a specific question, then one may convey, telepathically, and image unto a open mind. 

We are silicate structures. Not carbon! 

Time travel is possible through Memory , Ionization , and Gravitational Singularity, through a Flower of Life  Mental structure.  


Olfaction  (Smell)


Star Tetrahedron  (Stellated Octahedron)





Star Tetrahedron  (Stellated Octahedron)


Olfaction  (Smell)


Yi Jing  (I Ching)



Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Path

The Path of awaking is based on your extra sensory perception.

Have you ever wondered why everyone has such different ways of seeking enlightenment. The answer is in our sensory perception, how we perceive the world around us. Your senses allow you to see, hear, feel, taste and smell your surroundings. Together, they paint your experience. The same is true for Extra Sensory Perception they are just more subtle. ESP is a persons ability to access and respond to Mental (The All) stimuli. Just as in the body, the absence of esp or any sensory ability can hinder learning. For Mental alchemy you need to establish the subtle sensory ability's. However, to understand you subtle senses you should establish individuality.

The dissociation of you mind from your body, or the of ego, is the key finding subtle sensation.

Mental sight: the ability to make pictures of your thoughts - then 3D images - then 4D images - then 5D.

Mental sound: the ability to organize patterns and rhythems.

Mental touch: the ability to combine and blend all of your senses into a singular experience.

Mental taste and smell: our ability to discern between good and bad, favorable or unfavorable. Sweet,    Sour, Bitter, Salt.  

Your senses are also memory triggers. The Flower of Life image can be used to organize your vast memory data banks. Place yourself in one of the spheres and imagine you desired memory to be in a nearby spheres allow your sphere to navigate to it and then relate/ feel it .  Navigation takes a state of neutrality to be open to the new sensations. CAREFUL! the ego will deceive you if your not fully detached.  

Friday, July 22, 2011

Lizards amongst Us, They are here!

Last night I went to my car to close the windows when a rain storm began. I felt and in my minds eye could see a presence. I am very familiar with nature persona's and since I live in the forest this is my first guess. I was of the ego and very grounded so found myself trying to associate this presence with those I am familiar with. But none of them fit. The presence was cloaked in a white garb and it glowed like the moonlight. I could not see a face. The presence made me nervous.  For those who practice alter prayers should note that I had been called to very strong and deep work at my alter earlier that day.  I feel it is important because this may have attracted this presence to me.

Last night I dreamed that I was going outside in the dark and I had my keys in my hand. Very similar to what actually happened. The difference was that my life partner was faceless being ( the being looked like Voldamort from the Harry Potter series, Slit eyes and slit smooth nose.) I was not afraid, Because this was a person that I loved. In my dream I treated as I always do. I gave him a kiss goodnight and he went to bed. Next I grabbed my keys and was going to go outside. As I got to the sliding glass door, I saw another faceless (same facial features) outside my door. He was a predator. He was wearing jeans and a hoodie. He looked like any other burglar. When I saw him I had the door opened slightly, I quickly shut and locked it and fell back. He opened the door with his mind and began to come in. I screamed through the dream and my partner woke me up. 

I am telling you my story because I believe I am being taught how to think of these creatures, Lizards People. What I learned was that some are of light and can be loved as you would love and respect your closest people.  Some are not to be trusted and they will harm you if you do not protect yourself. JUST LIKE HUMANS! Lizards (Some of them!) seek domination by invoking fear. To be wise of this, is to be protected from their manipulation. DO NOT FEAR THEM! . They already live amongst us and will soon unveil their disguise. Stay calm, and welcome the change. Attack them, and they will defend themselves.

Blessed Be.          

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Mind is Energy, Energy is Mind

The mind is ALL. This is a statement that all that is, was, or ever will be, is a fabrication of the mind. We used t define everything as matter and then that definition was no longer suitable so we redefined everything as breaking down to energy. But what we haven't figured out is what is between the energy. If the energy is hold us together what is holding the energy together. It's LOVE!...just joking. It is Mind.

So what is Mind. Mind is the system of expansion/projection and contraction. It is the light and the dark. The Life and the Void. Isn't that absolutely clear? NO..!

To clarify... Look at the Flower of Life. It is vibrating from is center/core outward in projection. It is the structure of a photon. It is light/ life. (Light for the scientific, Life for the religious, or MIND if you are balanced between the two.)  The Flower of Life also works the other direction also. Instead of vibrating outward it vibrates inward like a black-hole. The projection is in the act of giving, the contraction is in the act of receiving.  This is the function of the MIND!

Consider this! The image of the Flower of Life that we see is only a small excerpt of what is really their. The outer edges of the the Flower are composed of many other spheres meaning it goes on and on. INFINITELY! ergo we can conceive that the entirety of the universe is comprised of this system. 

What dose this mean? It means that Parts of this system are on/lite, and others parts are off/ void. We can also deduce that this is the structure of the MIND/ light/ energy/ life. That it fills all things and is all things. It is the system of all things. Why do you think the ancestors left it for us.

Consider our planet as a projection/on and space as a contraction/off. How dose this happen? Science has it pretty much figured out. .. In space the void is in contraction and so creation is not being projected. So how dose formation of planets occur? Space/void is the place between the projections. The projections are always releasing debris. The components of the debris relates and begets new combination's, begetting gravity and so on, as we have been taught. I believe that as we learn the potential of our minds this will become a less random of a process. Note: The difference between light and void is relationship. The void is not outward and so dose not relate to anything, the projection relates to everything.  

  What about dimensions?

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Why do we make thing so complex?

The truths are simple. The ideas are of old. Before microbiology, before DNA. The way was known and mastered. The way to your greatest potential dose not have anything to do with the politics of today. So do not let today"s politics get in your way. The way is self discovery and then self control. At which point you will remember your potential. It's as natural as breathing. Seek the basic fundamentals. Seek the realities of nature as this is the correspondence to the way.

My path has been to break out of my body/form to experience myself as a whole. Now I seek the dimensional boundary's. My higher spirit, of which I have learned fluid communion with, tells me that to shift dimensions I will learn to remember All that I have ever been. That I have been many life times in many places (other dimensions) As I remember these places the resonance of it's plane will fill me and To remember the resonance is to have the key to this particular dimension.

How simple is that????

It is so basic that it can't pertain to me alone.

The 2012 situation is said to be the end of Time! Most of use realize that this is a shift in consciousness. One of linear time, which is a mentality, to eternity, another form of mentality.  No one can really say for sure what that will be like, yet, if in eternity mind frame our memory is opened to us then would the sky be the limit. Would there be a limit?

I think the preparation for such a thing would be to know yourself as a whole. For you may be the only constant you know. What with all the memory jumping. A solid and stable understanding of yourself mind, body, and spirit. Check out the I Ching, and find out who/how you are in each of those mind frames. Good luck!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


The principal of Masculine and Feminine are a polarity of the same aspects in variation. The Masculine is the structured and organized aspect of all that is. The Feminine is the unstructured and unorganized aspects. The important think to realize is that all that is, or could be is present in both Masculine and Feminine form. To what degree is the variation. 

Our planet and world are a great example of this. On earth we have the structured and organized aspects of all that "God" is. On earth their is a relationship between all parts. Each part requires assistance from the others to survive. This is the Masculine, organized and in relationship. On the other hand, we have the stars and "space". In this case there is no organization and no relationship. Each part of "space" stands alone, or dose not need the others to survive. Their are of course the subtle energies that effects everything (astrology). Like in Yin and Yang their is balance, therefore, their are some masculine principals in the Feminine, like the relationship between subtle energies, and their are some Feminine principals in the Masculine, like the air we breath. The earth to stars are and example of extreme differentials. 

The greatest control happens in one's life when they reach a balanced variation of Masculine and Feminine principals. 
Some other functions of Masculine and Feminine principals are in the expansion and contraction.  In the case of a photon the Masculine aspect is the projection of Life/ Light. In the same space is the contraction. This is the Photon Pair. They exist in the same time and space and yet only the projection can be known. 

The Masculine aspects are the only knowable parts. All things feminine are unknowable. They are not in relationship, which is how knowing occurs. 

This is the greatest blessing to our creations. As it adds to the mix a chance to change that witch we wish. The Feminine is all possibilities, like space, room to grow and be new or different. Without this principal we would have built ourselves into a structured prison long ago.  

Adapting yourself to the unknowns is the key to freedom. To do this you must learn faith. This is where faith comes in. The premise of FAITH is ... If you believe it, it is so. To work your way out of your masculine BOX of programed belief structures you have to first begin questioning whether the beliefs you have are good and useful. Do they represent humanity at their greatest? Do your beliefs represent you at your greatest?  Then consider what would be a greater system. What would be worth believing in?  Once you have decided on such a change see it clearly in your mind and then give it to the Feminine, and let go. Soon you will notice it's effects (Masculine).  With a balanced feminine aspect, you simply ask and then receive. As with everything, it dose take practice.             

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I was born in a valley and when I was able to walk I traveled to the mountain peaks.Their I freed myself from all that I had become due to my journey. I let it all go. Many long moments passed of sweet blissful calm and peace. I wanted nothing, I needed nothing. Neutrality filled my being.

After a long deep cleansing breath only one thought crossed my mind. That thought was... "I'm Board". I did not incarnate to do nothing, to be nothing, or to have nothing. That is just one polarity. Vital if we are to appreciate the small things, the subtleties. I am here to experience myself in it's most exquisite form. And So, I climb down from my peak.

Bringing with me newly found wisdom. Walking toward the opposite pole That which dose, is and has. I will take the straight line direct route. NO, I shall take my time and walk the ark. For now I understand the spiral of growth.

As I reach the new pole, I will most defiantly not be the same as birth. I will have grown and my refrence point will be a higher place.

Every point of degree upon that spiral is a pole onto its opposite.   


The polarizing effect of our Most highly evolved self ( higher/inner mind) to the physical ( lower/ outer mind) Leaves the truest truth unutterable. At our core Relationship is slight, and the information or knowledge is vast and yet simple, as it takes your entire being to understand it, but you understand it with your entire being, simplifying it. Communication of such a thing is .... difficult (i'd like to say, but not), it is impossible since each being is intrinsically different. Differentiated, even at this depth. We are able to know these absolutes, but the communication is futile as each must find their own way of feeling at such depth.  
The deeper you go the more life/light you can bring to your present. Opening the polarity up to channel the power. But their must be balance. The deeper you go within the farther you must go without.

I see the mind as a cup traveling the polarity Going deep within to fill itself and bringing it to the outside to express itself. But what do you fill your cup with?  Truth

Time and Change

The moment that is in the now is to the spirit in the past. As the spirit is culminating the next moment. Wish to change the now? Call the spirit to be here, now. The ego, the mind, and the spirit present here, now. Raise Kundalini. Whole hearted decision+clear and focused intent. then hope.

Truth in a Nut Shell

I have learned that in spirit there are absolute truths. There is a place of mind where that which is, is absolute. But, as you come closer to life/ physicality, the truths become relative. Relative to perception and time and space. But, th...en there is also truth based on ratio, or majority. If a majority promotes/imposes their view then it can become a reality. Not an absolute truth but, a reality based upon relatives. What is reality? An agreement upon relative truths empowered by will and carried out by those who believe. ?? Remember in school the true false tests? It is only true if every aspect of the statement is true. If any aspect of the answer is untrue then the statement is false.