Sunday, July 17, 2011


Why do we make thing so complex?

The truths are simple. The ideas are of old. Before microbiology, before DNA. The way was known and mastered. The way to your greatest potential dose not have anything to do with the politics of today. So do not let today"s politics get in your way. The way is self discovery and then self control. At which point you will remember your potential. It's as natural as breathing. Seek the basic fundamentals. Seek the realities of nature as this is the correspondence to the way.

My path has been to break out of my body/form to experience myself as a whole. Now I seek the dimensional boundary's. My higher spirit, of which I have learned fluid communion with, tells me that to shift dimensions I will learn to remember All that I have ever been. That I have been many life times in many places (other dimensions) As I remember these places the resonance of it's plane will fill me and To remember the resonance is to have the key to this particular dimension.

How simple is that????

It is so basic that it can't pertain to me alone.

The 2012 situation is said to be the end of Time! Most of use realize that this is a shift in consciousness. One of linear time, which is a mentality, to eternity, another form of mentality.  No one can really say for sure what that will be like, yet, if in eternity mind frame our memory is opened to us then would the sky be the limit. Would there be a limit?

I think the preparation for such a thing would be to know yourself as a whole. For you may be the only constant you know. What with all the memory jumping. A solid and stable understanding of yourself mind, body, and spirit. Check out the I Ching, and find out who/how you are in each of those mind frames. Good luck!

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