Tuesday, July 12, 2011


The polarizing effect of our Most highly evolved self ( higher/inner mind) to the physical ( lower/ outer mind) Leaves the truest truth unutterable. At our core Relationship is slight, and the information or knowledge is vast and yet simple, as it takes your entire being to understand it, but you understand it with your entire being, simplifying it. Communication of such a thing is .... difficult (i'd like to say, but not), it is impossible since each being is intrinsically different. Differentiated, even at this depth. We are able to know these absolutes, but the communication is futile as each must find their own way of feeling at such depth.  
The deeper you go the more life/light you can bring to your present. Opening the polarity up to channel the power. But their must be balance. The deeper you go within the farther you must go without.

I see the mind as a cup traveling the polarity Going deep within to fill itself and bringing it to the outside to express itself. But what do you fill your cup with?  Truth

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