The mind is ALL. This is a statement that all that is, was, or ever will be, is a fabrication of the mind. We used t define everything as matter and then that definition was no longer suitable so we redefined everything as breaking down to energy. But what we haven't figured out is what is between the energy. If the energy is hold us together what is holding the energy together. It's LOVE!...just joking. It is Mind.
So what is Mind. Mind is the system of expansion/projection and contraction. It is the light and the dark. The Life and the Void. Isn't that absolutely clear? NO..!
To clarify... Look at the Flower of Life. It is vibrating from is center/core outward in projection. It is the structure of a photon. It is light/ life. (Light for the scientific, Life for the religious, or MIND if you are balanced between the two.) The Flower of Life also works the other direction also. Instead of vibrating outward it vibrates inward like a black-hole. The projection is in the act of giving, the contraction is in the act of receiving. This is the function of the MIND!
Consider this! The image of the Flower of Life that we see is only a small excerpt of what is really their. The outer edges of the the Flower are composed of many other spheres meaning it goes on and on. INFINITELY! ergo we can conceive that the entirety of the universe is comprised of this system.
What dose this mean? It means that Parts of this system are on/lite, and others parts are off/ void. We can also deduce that this is the structure of the MIND/ light/ energy/ life. That it fills all things and is all things. It is the system of all things. Why do you think the ancestors left it for us.
Consider our planet as a projection/on and space as a contraction/off. How dose this happen? Science has it pretty much figured out. .. In space the void is in contraction and so creation is not being projected. So how dose formation of planets occur? Space/void is the place between the projections. The projections are always releasing debris. The components of the debris relates and begets new combination's, begetting gravity and so on, as we have been taught. I believe that as we learn the potential of our minds this will become a less random of a process. Note: The difference between light and void is relationship. The void is not outward and so dose not relate to anything, the projection relates to everything.
What about dimensions?
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